Last night, drunken vandals smashed almost a dozen windows and a glass door on the madrasah building of our complex. I uploaded the photos to Flickr this morning.

These windows are all to classrooms where the children are taught each saturday morning. As these are custom engraved windows with geometric designs, they probably won't be replaced in time for next week's classes, so the kids are going to have to see this.
This is exhibit A of why we should be supporting our local CAIR chapters. No one else gives a frak. Also see discussion at eteraz...
I'm so sorry Aziz. I'll keep your community in my du'a.
How do you know they were "drunken vandals"? How do you know they weren't just a rival Islamic sect? I mean, it isn't without precedence that muslims attack muslims.
Very sorry this happened, Aziz.
wow. that's terrible. i cannot imagine how i would feel if that had happened to our markaz in hk.
has this happened to other bohra masjids in america?
So sorry to read of this horrendous and insensitive crime. engraved glass cost so much to replace, may be you should consider installing plexiglass in front of such costly and decorative glass. Hope the security camera in the Masjid complex has captured their looks for cops to go after them.
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